Surviving Junior Year

N Og
3 min readJul 28, 2021


Junior Year was a source of panic for me for years. I had heard rumors and stories about it. The pressure, the workload, the SATs ever since freshman year I had dreaded it but now that it’s over I have to admit that it’s not the worst thing I’ve been through and in hindsight it honestly wasn’t that bad. There are some changes that might need to be made, this is what I learned.

Time Management is key

Everyone tells you this but the importance of time management in a year as hectic as this really cannot be overstated. Work tends to pile up quickly and if you leave assignments to the last minute you will either be caught in a landslide you weren’t prepared for or find yourself with several missing assignments. The best way to avoid this is to start assignments the day they are given to you. I know it sounds like a lot of work especially if your school runs on a block schedule, but this was the best school related advice I have ever taken. This also applies to assignments that aren’t due for a while. Start them to some capacity even if it’s just reading through the instructions. Procrastination is going to be one of your worst enemies.

A schedule is also really useful if you have a bad memory like me, keeping track of every assignment can be difficult. I use an app to keep track all my work. I’ve run through several over the years and I can’t tell you which one would be best for you since their differences might appeal to different people but I am personal using Notion currently and it has worked wonders for me.

The SAT’S are not going anywhere

My general advice is to take the SAT’s when you are ready, don’t force yourself to take it early on if you know that you are not prepared. There is not point in taking the test if you are going to do badly on it, if you would like to get a feel for what the test will be like it is more productive to take the PSATs or even just do a bunch of practice tests. There is an opportunity to retake it the next year but there is no need to rush and get a bad score on your record in the mean time. The SAT’s are serious and they do require a lot of preparation that sadly cannot be skipped if you wish to actually do well on it.

That being said it is more beneficial to take it your Junior year than it would be for your senior year. Like I mentioned earlier if you do badly on the test as a junior you can retake it the next year for a better score, if you leave it to the last year available you don't get a chance to retake it and your bad score is what goes on your transcript. With enough work and credentials a bad SAT score can be salvaged, it’s not the end all be all. But it is one of the most important things for your college applications if your performance is bad you’ll have to work overtime to make up for it in all other categories.

Ask for help when you need it

Your teachers likely tell you this all the time and it might seem like common knowledge but asking for help can save your grade. Often when I had a problem I would keep to myself and attempt to fix it on my own and while independence is admirable it’s quicker and more effective to just ask your teacher for help. Most subjects during the year will have subjects that build on each other meaning that if you are behind on one you’ll have trouble understanding the rest to come. The best way to avoid the hassle is to just ask your teachers for help. Getting your mistakes cleared up one on one or in a smaller group can be incredibly useful. Even if it’s something small email them if possible for help. Sometimes this can lead to extra work for a makeup grade and while more work can be annoying it can save you from failing or even boost your grade to an A.

